As there are many Bingo variants to play; and at online bingo sites; one such bingo variety is 30 ball bingo. Each 30-ball bingo card is essentially a condensed version of the 75-ball bingo card. And consists of a grid containing 3 Rows, 3 Columns, and 9 Numbers.
To make marking easy and straightforward; each respective column contains a set of numerical values; like the first column contains numbers 1-10, the second column contains numbers 11-20 and the third column contains numbers 21-30. The rules to play this ball bingo are the same as the 75-ball and 90-ball games. This bingo differs from those versions by offering considerably fewer number values; a higher rate of player involvement and an improved chance of picking up a valuable win with a full house.
Playing 30 ball bingo means winning big cash prizes and having multiple wins in a short space of time.
How to Play 30 Ball Bingo?

You can play this game online or offline. And this bingo operates on exactly the same basis as previous versions of the game. Which is been played in halls for many generations. The first person to complete a winning pattern of numbers wins. It’s still a game of chance. And it’s still a game that absolutely anybody can play to win some fabulous cash prizes.
A typical game of bingo begins with a player picking up a bingo ticket or strip. This can be done by selecting a ticket that contains some of your favourite lucky numbers. Or allowing the system to simply generate a ticket or two for you. When playing this bingo; you can pick up a strip by clicking the “Get New Strip” option, or alternatively select the “Auto Select Strips” box for the software to randomly generate one.
After opting-in by purchasing a number of bingo tickets, card-sales stop, and the ball-wheel starts spinning. The numbers are then drawn randomly. If a player has one of the numbers on one of their cards; he can go ahead and mark that number off – a process frequently known as “daubing”. With this version of the game, there’s one way to win – and that’s by filling up your card. For those a little new to bingo, this is known as a “full house”. Find a full house, and see the cash come flooding into your account.
The 30-Ball Bingo Game Card

The simplicity of this bingo card games allows you to pick up the rules of the game quickly; get a selection of different values that have the potential to pop up during the course of one session. With this bingo; all you need to do is fill out your 3×3 card with nine little numbers. And you’ve won yourself a prize.
If you have the numbers that roll up on the screen – you’ll win what you’re entitled to. It really is as simple as that.
Online bingo allows players to play multiple games in a matter of minutes even with their mobile. You can play this game at Australian-friendly casinos with an awesome no deposit bonus. But note that not all bingo sites offer this bingo in their gaming catalog.
How 30-Ball Bingo is Different?

75-ball and 90-ball bingo offers an exciting gameplay experience. However, for certain players, the drawn-out process of these games can be somewhat taxing. These versions of bingo require you to specifically set time aside to play, with each gaming session; holding the potential to eat into the hours of your day.
You may not sometimes simply don’t have enough time to sit out an entire bingo session from beginning to end. With this bingo, that is never an issue. You can get in, get payment, and get out in just a few seconds.
So where does this game have the edge on the bigger ball games? Why should you leave the zone of 75-ball and 90-ball bingo to take a punt on the new bingo category that’s creeping up all over the internet?
1. Faster Pace
Fewer number values involved means that balls are drawn at a faster rate. Ensuring a highly immersive gameplay experience that’s constantly producing new winners at regular intervals. If you don’t win on one game; it’ll only be a matter of seconds before you get the opportunity to win on another.
2. Engaging
With 30-ball bingo, you’re always getting into action. There aren’t too many number values to choose from, meaning that your odds of picking up numbers are less; while your chances of winning are boosted.
3. Remarkably Easy
Got all the called nine numbers on your game card? BINGO! You’ve just won a bundle of money. This bingo is remarkably easy to play with, extremely simple to understand, and even easier to win on.
Simply put, it is all about offering players no-nonsense, rapid-fire gameplay which creates the opportunity to pick up several big bundles of cash in a significantly short period.