Table games are the widely played games at casinos after pokies. Among these games Blackjack, Roulette and Baccarat are the most played at casino tables, followed by other table games like Craps, Pai Gow, Sic Bo and various others. Be it online casinos or real land casinos they all are powered by brand gaming softwares like Microgaming, Playtech, Realtime Gaming, NetEnt, Betsoft, and others that continue to add new and more games to their list so that players never feel bored the same games again.
Also to attract new players the casinos often have new table games to their gaming catalog. When any punter comes to know of new games, he or she wants to try the game. But many new games become lesser-known games as not all of them are available at all the casinos of the world. Some new games land first at Vegas casinos, some come first in other countries or are exclusive for that country and thus become lesser known for a time period until they are available worldwide at casinos.
Lesser Known Table Games
Casinos add new games regularly. At online casinos, many of these games can be played for free or with real money. Many new games are variations of existing games with new rules added or some extra features. Others may be based on regional tradition. Either way, they all will have new strategies, new odds, and new pay tables.
1. Triple Zero Roulette

This is called Sands Roulette is the new game now found at online casinos as well as in Las Vegas casinos. It was originally only offered in casinos owned by the Las Vegas Sands Corporation like the Venetian and the Palazzo, but it has expanded to more casinos on the Strip and in other US cities.
If you have ever played roulette then you also know the most common type of European or American roulette. In European roulette, the wheel has numbers 0 through 36, creating 37 slots for the ball to drop. In American roulette, an extra slot is added. The numbers 0 through 36 are on the wheel, and a double zero (00) is added, creating 38 slots.
In the latest variation, triple zero roulette, a 39th slot is added. In most casinos, it will be labeled as 000. In some, it will have the casino’s logo. So on the betting table, you may see the bet as the triple zero (000) or as the casino logo or symbol.
House Edges
Part of the reason for the new game is for the casino to make more money. You can see it in the odds.
- European Roulette – 2.70% house edge
- American Roulette – 5.26% house edge
- Triple Zero Roulette – 7.69% house edge
In Las Vegas, you’ll generally find mostly American roulette tables. European roulette is also found at a few casinos in Vegas but often is liked by high rollers. As to play, you have to make a high minimum bet of $25. On the American roulette tables, you’ll find that most minimum bets are set at $15. To entice triple zero roulette players, casinos have lowered the minimum bet on the game to $10.
The unique thing about triple zero roulette is that players are actually playing longer and losing less money. Due to the lower minimum bet, players don’t have to spend as much on the game and spend longer at the table. If you were to play 50 times over an hour with a $15 minimum bet, you’d spend $750. With a $10 minimum bet, you’d only spend $500. So you’d need another 30 minutes betting $10 a game to reach that $750 threshold. Some casinos are already replacing their American roulette wheels with new triple zero wheels.
2. Double Spin Roulette

This game is another new variation of roulette variation that’s becoming very popular in casinos. The game that first was opened exclusive to the Sun International family of casinos in South Africa is now making its headlines at other casinos in the world.
Double-spin roulette is a variation of American roulette. When playing double spin roulette, the goal is to bet that the next winning number matches the first winning number, in essence, the same number hits twice in a row. The game is initially played like regular American roulette. The betting is the same, and the croupier spins the ball.
When the winning number is called, the dealer then pays out the winners on any of the non-numerical bets and clears out any losing bets. The dealer will then offer anyone who won a numerical bet the choice to forfeit the winnings and let it ride on a double spin bet (on the winning number from the spin that just finished).
If anyone accepts the bet, then the croupier will spin again. If the same number comes up again, it will pay 1,250 to 1.
As you can see, it’s just a simple addition to the existing game. It adds a chance for a player to win more, but in order to do it, the player must give up winnings and take a chance on the same number hitting twice though it’s not always the same scenario in most cases in the long term you can win something big.
3. Arizona Hold ‘Em

This game is a new one that combines elements of poker and blackjack. In this game, players are dealt three face-down cards, and the dealer is dealt two face-down cards. The cards dealt with by the dealer are the “community cards” and are used to complete the player’s five-card hand.
The betting is done on a table with seating for up to seven players. In front of each table are three areas to place bets marked with an “A,” a “1,” and a “2.” The player will also see two card-sized rectangles marked with a “1” and a “2.” These spots are for the dealer’s cards.
The dealer will start by announcing that players need to place their bets. The first bet, or ante, is placed in the “A” spot. This must meet the table minimum.
How to play
The dealer deals with each card one at a time. In the first and second rounds of cards, both the players and the dealer get a card. In the third round, only the players get a card. Once the third card is dealt with with each player, the players can look at their cards. They’ll place bets based on the strength of these three cards.
Players can decide whether to continue based on the five-card hand total. The first bet is placed in the “1” spot and must be the same as the ante, or the player can choose not to bet and continue to play. The dealer will then turn over the first of his cards. The players will then place a bet in the “2” spot. This must be equal to the ante. Once again, the player has the option to not bet and play the handout.
From left to right, the players’ hands are revealed. To win, the player must have a pair of 10s or better. If not, the losing bets are collected. Winning hands are paid according to the paytable. Arizona holds ‘em is exclusive to Peermont Group hotels in South Africa, Botswana, and Malawi.
4. Dice Duel

This is a game played with two 6-sided dice of different colors, usually red and gold. The goal of the game is for the player to pick which die will show the higher number. The game involves the player making a separate roll for each die. The player is handed a cup by the dealer containing the first die. The player shakes it and returns it to the dealer, who reveals the result. The dealer and player will then repeat their actions with the second die.
Once both have been revealed, the highest-scoring die will be announced as the winner. If the result is a tie, then it will pay even money unless the tie is on the number 1. If both dice rolled are 1s, it is an automatic loss (unless the player specifically bet on 1). Players have the option of betting on a specific number. If the player bets on a specific number, it doesn’t matter the results of the rolls of either of the die as long as the number is rolled on one of the dice. The players have the option of several bets. Dice Duel is exclusive to Crown Resorts in Australia.

This game can be found in New Games Lab in Crown Resorts in Australia. The object of the game is to draw seven cards of the same color consecutively. The game has four different bets that players can place: Red, Black, No S7REAK and Suit Up.
To start gameplay, the dealer draws the first card and places it on the table in the designated S7REAK card spot on the table. The card drawn becomes the designated color for the game.
The dealer will then continue to draw cards until he draws the other color, at which point the S7REAK has ended, or until seven cards of the same color have been drawn.
The suit-up bet is a bet on cards drawn being of the same suit. This is a side bet from the red, black, or no S7REAK bets. The bet is the total number of the same suit drawn during gameplay and doesn’t need to be drawn consecutively. If the first card (the S7REAK card) and the second card drawn are of opposite colors but make a pair, it results in a standoff. The game has two pay tables. Enjoy this game at Crown Casinos Australia.
6. Nutz

It is another game in Crown Resorts Australia. The game is played with five 6-sided dice, and the goal is to roll one of eight different dice combinations. The game uses elements of poker and has been compared to the game Yahtzee.
To start the game, the player must place a bet. The player has seven options for betting and can bet on all options. Obviously, he or she must bet on at least one of the options. The betting options are Nutz (Five of a kind), Straight or No Hand, Quads (Four of a kind), Trips (Three of a kind), Full House, Two Pair, and Pair.
The dice cup is then handed to a player to make the initial roll. If the roll is a no-hand, full house, straight, or a Nutz, the round is over, and winnings are paid. Any other combination allows for a second roll. But before the roll, any pairs, trips, or quads are set aside, and the remaining dice are rolled.
Dice that match the saved dice from the first roll are saved. If a full house, straight, or Nutz isn’t achieved, then a third and final roll is made. Once the final roll is completed, the newly rolled and the saved dice complete the hand no matter what the result. The paytable for Nutz is based on the final rolls of the player.
7. Poker Bo

It is a fast-paced game that combines elements of draw poker and sics bo and is played with six full decks of the traditional 52 playing cards. To start, the players must choose which betting options they’d like to place from the six options available. They may bet on more than one option if they choose.
The betting options available are Straight ‘n Up, Three of a Kind, Two Pair, Pair, No Hand, and Specific Suit. When the betting has been completed, the dealer will call for no more bets and deal with the cards. He or she will draw five cards. The dealer will then compare the cards drawn to the bets made and pay the winners accordingly.
Multiple winning hands
It is possible to have multiple winning hands based on when the dealer draws. For example, if a pair of 10s and a pair of 3s are drawn, the two pair and single pair bets will win. Before the cards are dealt, the player will place their bets. They have the option of betting on an ace, deuce, 3, or a joker. They can also place a bet on Dealer Match as a side bet.
The cards are then dealt — one card face-up to each player and one card face-down to the dealer. If anyone is dealt a 4, they lose (but can win on a Dealer match bet). All bets except the Dealer Match bets are paid, and losses are cleared from the table. To win the players must bet on the specific card beforehand (the rank, not the suit). In other words, they guess what card they’ll get. They can bet on multiple cards.
Started as Test Game
The dealer’s card is then revealed. If any of the players match the dealer, they win. This game started out as a test game at the Primm Valley Resort in Primm, Nevada, in 2018 and is expanding to other casinos in the Las Vegas area throughout 2019.
Finally, note that Casinos though want you to play with real money because it’s their business. Some poker games require a percentage of the pot to go to the casino to cover operating costs. This is because the game is set up so that players are playing against each other instead of the house, so the money circulates between the players, and the house won’t see a dime unless they charge a fee. In cases where the house edge is increased, the casinos tempt players with chances to win big. After all, the average player won’t be attracted by odds or house edge but by how much money could possibly be won.
Thus casinos want to profit too from new games so if they add a game that’s difficult to win and add a few thousand dollars to the jackpot, it doesn’t blackout the casino because they’ll make it back quickly. Therefore always advised to play the games wisely be it new or old games.